21-GR-3013 (DAFA DOS CM Demining Project-1400)
Grant Name: 21-GR-2013
Project Name: DAFA DOS CM Demining Project-1400
Project Location: Paktya and Nangarhar, Afghanistan
Project Beneficiary
Direct Beneficiaries |
Indirect Beneficiaries |
Women |
Girls | Boys | Men | Women | Girls | Boys |
Men |
8,003 |
13,626 | 14,225 | 8,354 | 12,004 | 20,439 | 21,339 |
12,532 |
Demining Agency for Afghanistan (DAFA) is one of the Humanitarian Mine Clearance Non-Government Organization (NGO) formed under the auspices of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Assistance to Afghanistan (UNOCHA) effort in June 1990. DAFA has continued to work under harsh conditions for more than two and half decades throughout Afghanistan and during this period we have achieved considerable output which cleared more than 192.9 million Sqm contaminated areas and destroyed 6,779 Anti-Tank mines, 39,304 Anti-Personnel Mines, 1,960,952 Un-exploded Ordnance (UXOs), BLUs 312 and 191 Abounded Improvised Explosive Device (IEDs).