(Intrusive) Mechanical Demining Units Front-End Loader (FEL) and MCS (Mini Mine Clearance System) BOZENA-4 with its valuable attachment (Ripper/Fail Unit) can do Level II survey as well as release the ground prepared for the subsequent deminers’ follow up. It accelerates the process of Demining and Clearance in achieving the target.

(Non-Intrusive) Hitachi Excavators and Bucket Backhoe Loader assist the Manual Demining Clearance in ground preparation and more importantly in ground processing.

DAFA has enough number of MDUs both intrusive and non-intrusive available and ready to work, which in fact enable us to undertake any small or large scale projects in any parts of Afghanistan.

The valuable Mechanical Demining Units will help in the acceleration of demining activities which will actually double the progress of manual teams.

    Save and Professional Demining Services